<%@ Master language="C#" %> KIM E. BEAZLEY'S  MEMOIRS: FACT OR FICTION?





16 JANUARY   2009 





The Memoirs of Kim E. Beazley, Father of the House, were published by Fremantle Press in 2009 and became publicly available in Melbourne in early January 2009. DOGS obtained a copy of the Memoirs of the senior Beazley. This politician was the Federal Minister of Education in the Whitlam Government. He was party to the promotion and administration of the so-called Needs Policy which legitimated the giving of hundred of millions ( now billions) of dollars to sectarian schools. They looked in the Index and on pp 199 -200 discovered the following fiction:

Kim E. Beazley Senior:


Meanwhile, Bill Hartley started an organisation for the Defence of Government Schools ( DOGS), which challenged the grants in the High Court...Americans came to advise Hartley's team.


William Henry Hartley was never a member of the Defence of Government Schools ( DOGS). He did not found the Defence of Government Schools. The DOGS did not commence in 1973 as Kim Beazley Senior alleges. DOGS commenced unofficially in the early 1960s. A bank account was started in 1964 for an organisation called the Australian Council for Defence of Government Schools. DOGS publicly commenced in May 1967. Bill Hartley was not at that meeting and never attended any meetings of the DOGS executive. He had no say in setting up the bank account or the public launch of the organisation. Other DOGS branches were established in New South Wales, Tasmania., Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia.

 Kim Beazley Senior further alleged on page 200 of his Memoirs that Americans came to advise Hartley's team.

 DOGS did have the most learned advice available from American sources, namely the Rev. Stanley Lowell, from Americans United for Separation of Church and State and  Leo Pfeffer, counsel for the many organisations who had won cases in the American Supreme Court. Bill Hartley had no part in selecting the above persons. These experts were bought to Australia, addressed meetings, and advised the DOGS on their High Court challenge to State Aid. The Rev. Stanley Lowell addressed a public meeting at Dallas Brookes Hall in September 1971. This meeting initiated the High Court Challenge and occurred approximately two years before the events referred to by Kim Beazley Snr. in his Memoirs.

William Henry Hartley was a signatory to the High Court Writ, and during the period 1972/3 to 1980 when the Full High Court Hearing finally occurred,  resisted all attempts by the Labor party lackeys to withdraw from High Court Challenge. DOGS have never been ashamed to be associated with Bill Hartley. He adhered through thick and thin, through extraordinary vilification, to Labor Party principles and policy. He was cast out of the Labor Party in 1987. If he had been a member of the DOGS they would have been able to get rid of him in the 1960s, as DOGS was involved in standing candidates for Parliament in competition with  the Labor, Coalition and DLP Parties.

Kim C Beazley Junior:

DOGS also discovered the following fiction in Kim C. Beazley 's (Junior)  Introduction to his father's Memoirs, pp 8-9:


Professor Peter Tannock, who, as a young academic was appointed to head the new Schools Commission.


A reading of WHO'S WHO in Australia, 2005 reveals the entries of both Ken McKinnon and  Peter Tannock. Peter Tannock was not appointed to head the New Schools Commission.

The entry for Ken McKinnon at page 1236 reads, in part :

Interim Cttee 1973-74, Chrmn Aust. Schs Commsn 1974-81;

Without the abbreviations the above reads: Interim Committee  1973-74; Chairman Australian Schools Commission 1974-1981.

The entry for Peter Tannock at page 1820 reads, in part:

Chrmn Cwealth  Schs Commsn  1981-85

Without the abbreviations, the above reads: Chairman Commonwealth Schools Commission 1981-85. Tannock was appointed Chairperson of the Commonwealth Schools Commission by the Coalition Government under Fraser in the 1980s, not by the Whitlam Government in the 1970s.

Following his father Kim C. Beazley appears to produce fiction instead of fact.


Warning to Commentators and Reviewers of the Memoirs of Kim E. Beazley: Father of the House 

John Howard has already commented in relation to the Memoirs of Kim E. Beazley . DOGS quote from a letter he wrote to The Australian on January 3, 2009. DOGS reproduce a section of this letter:


Mike Steketee was right to praise Kim Beazley Sr ( 'Principle not power for prescient servant of the people', Opinion, 1/1). He was principled, erudite and the most compelling orator, on the Labor side, that I heard in my 33 years in federal parliament.

DOGS will challenge any summary of Kim Beazley Snr claiming that he was principled or erudite in relation to the educational funding of Australian education and in particular the education of children in public schools. Kim Beazley Snr was protected by Gough Whitlam and his bully boy tactics in relation to education and the State Aid issue. Witness the treatment meted out to men of principle like WIlliam Henry Hartley. This question is still the elephant in the room for not only our political parties. It is the basic problem underlying the erosion of our liberal, democratic Australian society.

This elephant in the room assisted in the crushing and bruising of Kim Beazley Senior to a state of exhaustion in 1973. He was relieved for a while by Lionel Bowen, a politician more in tune and able to deal with the Roman Catholic religious and secular activists as well as  mendacious Protestant school faction and horse traders in the Country Party.





12.00 noon  ON Saturdays.




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Last modified:Tuesday, 20 January 2009