The Catholic Church Gets into the Victorian State Elections - and Fails to make a difference

Press Release 577

Victorian voters have been bombarded with what appear to have been choices in the State election. But, at the last moment, Catholic school parents have been told to not vote for the Greens in inner Melbourne. Once again, the Catholic church tries to make itself important – crucial to the major parties. Smoke and mirrors, obfuscation, and sometimes downright corruption – has our democracy come to this?

How the Rich Schools get Richer

Press Release 576

Scotch College Melbourne this year lodged its 2013 financial return. It showed, among the school's revenue for the year of $70.9 million, a payment for $5.4 million as "reimbursement following a Supreme Court action". The payment helped Scotch record a net surplus of $11.5 million.

How the Rich Schools get Richer

Press Release 576

Scotch College Melbourne this year lodged its 2013 financial return. It showed, among the school's revenue for the year of $70.9 million, a payment for $5.4 million as "reimbursement following a Supreme Court action". The payment helped Scotch record a net surplus of $11.5 million.


Press Release 575

Privatisation of education in the Anglo-American world – which Australia follows slavishly - has been tried and found wanting. It has been rejected, not only by Australian academics, but by writers of a United Nations Report presented last week to the United Nations General Assembly. Meanwhile, contracting education services to private providers has encouraged what can only be described as corruption and profit for the boys – and girls at the highest level.

Forty years pre-Gonski: how Whitlam surrendered to Catholic Church over state aid to get elected in 1972

Press Release 574

Gough Whitlam has been lauded for introducing ‘fairness’ into Australian education. And he certainly opened up free tertiary education. But he gave in to pressure groups who were against free, secular and universal public education.
‘Fairness’in primary and secondary education is code for saying that Whitlam poured public funds into private, mainly Catholic schools on the basis of ‘Need’- which swiftly became greed.

Daniel Andrew's Labor Party and Victorian Education

Press Release 573

The Victorian Labor Party have finally woken up that the November 2014 State election will be a Public Education election. But, before public school supporters get any promises, the Catholic sector has got to be paid off.

Gough Whitlam's Educational Legacy

Press Release 572

Gough Whitlam compromised himself, the Labor Party and Australia’s democracy when he courted the Catholic vote, and their political creature - the DLP. By setting up the Schools Commission he and Kim Beazley also compromised supporters of public schools like Joan Kirner. The Needs policy was compromised from the very beginning when the wealthy schools and Catholic sector re-categorised the Greedy into the ‘Needy.’ In 1973 the Catholic sector still needed wealthy Protestant school support. Forty years on they dominate both parties with no serious opposition.

Middle Class Citizens Demanding Public Education

Press Release 571

The self- styled elite in Australian education got it wrong. Mr Menzies tried to keep their jobs- for – the- boys network intact by giving State Aid in 1964. But what price the insecure ticket to heaven and the good job?

Can members of the insecure middle class afford school fees that amount to the cost of another house on top of the mortgage they have incurred for the ‘right ’suburb? And can they afford to lose the house they possess if the elite private school comes debt collecting for fees unpaid?

Suddenly, a fee-free excellent public education becomes attractive!

ASX 200 Companies Tax Avoidance: Companies SHould Pay Tax for our Public Education System, Not capture them for Profiteering.

Press Release 570

Proper Funding of Public Education does matter.

There are two reasons why Public Education in Australia faces a funding crisis.

Public Funding has been diverted – billions of it – into the private, religious sector, This has dire consequences for the educational standards and social cohesion of our nation.
The wealthy, particularly the wealthy multinational companies pay little or no tax.